Vision, Mission and School Philosophy
Vision, Mission and School Philosophy
Satyam Shivam Sundaram
To empower students to initiate or participate in activities local and global, which will promote peace and happiness – locally and globally - in the spirit of satyam, shivam, sundaram
Truth, beauty & compassion
Modern High School International strives to maintain its mark of excellence as an institution that respects diversity and fosters compassion towards all forms of life. The school aims to promote creative and critical thinking for all members of the school community encouraging them to be life-long learners.
Our School Philosophy
It has a nurturing environment where people shine!
Modern High School International prides itself on being a school that has been founded upon the 70 year-old legacy of Modern High School for Girls. It aims to promote creative and critical thinking in the classrooms, delivering an international curriculum that is rooted in local tradition and context. The curriculum focuses on honing 21st century skills and competencies, namely: collaboration, communication, ICT and digital literacy, social or ethical responsibility and international mindedness.
The school helps students discover their own potential by providing opportunities for academic excellence alongside opportunities for participation in a wide range of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The curriculum offers opportunities for sports, arts, music, community service and value education aiming to broaden students’ educational experience and challenging them to apply their knowledge and skills in newer contexts. These myriad experiences focus on helping students build resilience and adaptability.
Our well-integrated student population comprises children from different communities and socio-economic backgrounds. Our smart classrooms focus on building conceptual understanding rather than content-based knowledge encouraging a culture of enquiry, thinking and reflection. We boast of a system that recognizes personal attributes such as integrity and diligence in addition to talent and achievement. We pride ourselves on being a learning organisation ensuring opportunities for learning and professional development for all members of our school community.
Message From Director

Message from Principal