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Co-Curricular activities at Modern High School International

At Modern High School International, we aim to provide a stimulating environment for all our students, wherein every experience – academic as well as co-curricular – provides them with learning opportunities and ensures their holistic development, as individuals.

We strive to foster the spirit of participation as well as the desire to excel in all our students. While all their achievements are applauded and every little triumph is appreciated, our students are reminded constantly that the motive of participating in any intra-school or inter-school event should never be only about winning a trophy. Our Co-Curricular programme strongly reiterates the values of leadership, teamwork and fair competition, thereby strengthening peer bonding among all members of the school community. In keeping with our core values, community service initiatives are embedded in the co-curricular programme as well.



Holistic Development


Fair Competition

Furthermore, the school has several clubs and societies that ensure the active engagement of all students in various Co-Curricular activities, such as debates, MUN, the performing arts, the visual arts, basketball, zumba and mixed martial arts. Throughout the year, our school calendar is dotted with multiple inter-school fests and other events. The Co-Curricular programme at MHSI supports the IBDP CAS requirements ensuring that opportunities are consistently available to students.

We strive to support our students in every possible way, cheering them to delve into the sheer pleasure of participation. This foundational belief is at the heart of every co-curricular event that we organise, thus encouraging our students to try their best such that they recognize that ‘real education’ is not confined to just academics.

MHSI Societies